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Details Of The US House’s Health Insurance Amendments

As reported yesterday by Conner Strong, on Sunday March 21, in addition to approving the Senate health insurance reform bill, the US House approved an amendment to the Senate’s bill called the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act (H.R. 4872), a package of modifications to H.R. 3590. Click here for An official section-by-section summary of the House’s amendments that are set to be acted upon by the Senate as early as Tuesday, March 23rd. This is the package of changes that the House felt needed to be made to improve the Senate bill.

In the event the Senate is unable to pass the amendments - either for procedural reasons or because they lack the needed 51 votes (which is unlikely) - the original Senate bill passed by both the House and Senate will become law.

For late breaking details and analysis about how this may impact employer-based benefits delivery, please visit

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